We are in no way affiliated with the UK Government. We are a third party agency which charges a service fee of £89 every 3 months with a 3-day free trial. You do not need to use our service to apply for a UK driving licence. You may instead apply for one directly via the UK Government website at www.gov.uk, for which they may or may not charge a fee.

Apply for your first provisional licence

Basic Details

Have you been issued with a Great Britain (GB) provisional driving licence before?*
Have you lived in another European Union or European Economic Area country other than the UK in the last 12 months? *
Are you currently disqualified from driving in the UK (including Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) or any other country? *
Can you meet the legal eyesight standards for driving using glasses or corrective lenses if needed? *
Details of the legal standards required by law can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/driving-eyesight-rules
Do you need to wear glasses or corrective lenses to meet this standard? *
Can you read a number plate from 20 metres and confirm that you have not been advised by an optician or doctor that your eyesight does not meet the minimum standards for driving? *
with glasses or corrective lenses if necessary?
Are you currently claiming any of the following benefits?*
we will ask you to provide evidence of your benefit
  • Adult Disability Payment (ADP)
    The mobility part of ADP at the enhanced rate
  • Child Disability Payment (CDP)
    The mobility component of CDP at the higher rate
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
    The mobility part of DLA for children at the higher rate
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
    The mobility part of PIP at the higher rate
Do you suffer from any medical conditions that may impact your ability to drive? *

We are in no way affiliated with the UK Government. We are a third party agency which charges a service fee of £89 every 3 months with a 3-day free trial. You do not need to use our service to apply for a UK driving licence. You may instead apply for one directly via the UK Government website at www.gov.uk, for which they may or may not charge a fee.