We are in no way affiliated with the UK Government. We are a third party agency which charges a service fee of £89 every 3 months with a 3-day free trial. You do not need to use our service to apply for a UK driving licence. You may instead apply for one directly via the UK Government website at www.gov.uk, for which they may or may not charge a fee.

Change of address on your driver’s licence

Basic Details

Licence Number
Please select the type of licence you have *
Are you currently disqualified from driving in the UK (including Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) or any other country? *

We are in no way affiliated with the UK Government. We are a third party agency which charges a service fee of £89 every 3 months with a 3-day free trial. You do not need to use our service to apply for a UK driving licence. You may instead apply for one directly via the UK Government website at www.gov.uk, for which they may or may not charge a fee.